terça-feira, 22 de abril de 2008

ROCKURIOSOS GUNS N ROSES 11- Quem são os Doutores Michael Smolens, Sam Straton e Steve Rogers, creditados em "Coma"?

Foram este médicos e assistitentes de ambulância que salvaram a vida de Axl depois de uma overdose de drogas. Durante a gravação da música Axl os convidou a participarem. Eles aceitaram e se ouve na música as suas vozes dizendo:
(aos 2:57 da música)
1º: "OK, let's get this guy in the program please, we're losing him."
2º: "Start an IV please."
1º: "Come on ... his airways ... someone's got to protect his airways. I want two..."
2º: "Where's the defibbrilator?"
1º: "Two IV's over here please. That's two more now. We're losing him."
2º: "Let's go."
1º: "OK, we're starting to lose this guy. Where's the crash cart? I want his airways protected, two IV's."
2º: " ... slow motion here. This guy's goin ..."
3º: "Let's get him in ER."
2º: "... goin out on us."
3º: "Who's got the defibrillator?"
(aos 5:44 da música)
1º: "OK, we're starting to lose this guy. I want that IV and his airway protected!"
2º: "Let's get some people in here!"
1º: "Get the crash cart please, we're losing this guy. He's goin ..."
2º: "Give me an airway please."
1º: "... goin under."
2º: "How 'bout an IV stat?"
1º: "OK ... you better protect the airway, you're starting to lose him."

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